Past Clients and their links
Graphic Design
The Institute of Heart Intelligence
Ernie Gruner of Jugularity & Soleluna
Anton Eastick
International Women's Development Agency
Gerard Carey
John Van Loon
Michelle Leber
Jessie Huon
Kate Henderson
Jane Belfrage
Becky Horne
David Peatfield of 'The Pill' play
Fancy Fish Theatre
Learn for Yourself
City of Voices
CD Design
Melbourne City Opera
Penelope Swales
Totally Gourdgeous
Mal Webb
Khalil Gudaz
Daevid Allen, Gilli Smyth and Harry Williamson
Mother Gong- Gilli Smyth
Harry Williamson of Spring Studio
Chris James of School Musicals
Julian Duband of Liron Choir
Jean Cabon
Spiel Azoi
Liz Van Dort
Harry Jackson
Christie Sistrunk
The Lumiere Project
Deanne Banks
Website Design
Publish In Ink
Caffe Timor-Leste
Carol Middleton
Mia Rappel of MiaMia
Sarah Mandie
Weerama Festival
Melbourne Apathy Destroyers
Trudi Factor
Spiel Azoi
Dr. Megan Evans
Kelly Boucher
Maribel Steel
Mandy Renard
Venus Bergner
Harry Jackson
The Age -Travel section
Honda – the magazine
Southern Cross Tango
Sidewalk Tango
Mal Webb
Poetica Christi Press
Laguz Performance Productions
Sandra Long of Mainteater
Valley Lipcer
Earth Reggae
Arte Kanela
Liz Stringer
Friends of the Earth
Louisa John-Krol
Page Seventeen
Marine Paraders Troupe
Jazzmoon - Polly Christie
Sally-Anne Upton
​The Hottentots